
Harm Reduction Saves Lives…

The womxn, children, men, and transgender folks we serve on the streets have been socially isolated. They have been caught in the dark world of sex slavery not by their own choice some were kidnapped and groomed from early childhood. Many experienced sexual abuse from an early start. Some used mind altering drugs as a way to escape from guilt, pain, and hopelessness. On the Columbus streets and alleys there are now two red commercial vehicles that the womxn have named the “LOVE BUG” out of it we provide basic needs like nonperishable food, first aid, clothes, shoes, and condoms. We transport them to hospitals and recovery sites. We are partnered with Franklin County Public Health as a mobile Narcan distributor to our vulnerable populations. Many are afraid of white vans and commercial vehicles because they were raped in them. Due to an increase of human trafficking victims seen in the last 4 years and lack of resources in nonbanker hours we need 2 more LOVE BUGS, 3 more Drop-In Centers to work in the other 3 hot corners of our city. WE thank the County Commissioners who gave some funds from the CARES Act. We purchased a red Nissan NV200 Compact Cargo commercial vehicle and made the appropriate modifications to continue our rescue efforts and provide tangible love in the 4 corners of our city.


We Need Your Help

Help us continue to spread our love and help to those in need! The more we have the more generous we will be and the ripple effect of LOVE will be seen!

Esther Flores